
Archive for June, 2013

I am officially cool!

I know it sounds far-fetched, but it’s true.  And here is how I know.

On Tuesday night, I went to the launch of Beached, a collection of linked short stories published by the children in P6 at Corstorphine Primary School.  I have to say, it was one of the best book launches I’ve ever been to.  The hall was full of colourful displays all about the book and the stories in it and the children had made videos about the process of writing, illustrating and publishing the book which were very entertaining.  There were some first class readings from the stories, which made me desperate to find out what happened next!  And there were lovely refreshments too – not just the usual crisps and nibbles, but strawberries as well.

I was invited to the launch in an official capacity as a local author – and all the official invitees were given a name badge.  They included the head teacher and the deputy head, the school chaplain, and other local authors including Corinne V Davies and John Fardell.  Each of the badges was colourfully decorated, with the invitee’s name and also a suitable adjective – the school chaplain’s, for example, was “Marvellous Moira Macdonald”.  Corinne’s was “Creative Corinne V Davies” and mine?  I bet you can guess where this is heading.  Mine, as you can see, read, “Cool Carol Christie”.


So there you are.  It’s official.  I am cool.  It’s there in red and white.